In other news, Ickie has begun reading a Winnie the Pooh story to Ben and I each evening. We gave Ben a Winnie the Pooh treasury for Christmas, and I had forgotten how darling and quietly amusing

Books and Sundry
Young Horatio Hornblower, C.S. Forester: I love to sniff the old torn spine of this book. I sit primly on the open pages and just rest my nose on the book, getting a high from the musty, basement-y odor.
The Bastable Children, E. Nesbit: It's soft, faded linen cover is almost as tattered & smelly as YHH.
The Father Christmas Letters, J.R.R. Tolkien: I am only able to smell this rare secondhand copy during Advent, and I have to sneak to sit on it when no one is looking.
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